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Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles – Free Udemy Courses

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles - Free Udemy Courses
Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles - Free Udemy Courses

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles – Free Udemy Courses

Installation and Maintenance

What you’ll learn

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles – Free Udemy Courses

  • Understand the importance and need for Electric Vehicles
  • Understand the different charging Technologies, Batteries, and Connectors
  • Get familiar with Charging Infrastructure for EVs
  • Understand different types of Power Converters used in Electric Vehicles
  • Study the Battery Management System and charger Communication Protocol
  • Troubleshoot and locate faults in the Charging System of EV
  • Troubleshoot and locate faults in Charging Station


  • Basic knowledge of Electronics


Course Overview

EV Charging Infrastructure technicians are in high demand right now and a bright career in the Installation, operation, and maintenance of Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles is just waiting for you!

Course Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, you will be able to

  • Understand the importance and need for Electric Vehicles
  • Understand the different charging technologiesBatteries, and Connectors
  • Get familiar with Charging Infrastructure
  • Understand different types of Power Converters
  • Study the Battery Management System and
  • charger Communication Protocol
  • Troubleshoot and locate faults in the Charging System of EV
  • Troubleshoot and locate faults in Charging Station

Course Outline

Module 1:

  • Need for Electric Vehicles
  • Types of Batteries
  • Different Charging Technologies and Standards
  • Types of EV Connectors

Learning Objectives of Module 1:

  • Know about the need for Electric Vehicles
  • Know about the different types of Batteries used in Electric Vehicles
  • Study the details of Charging Infrastructure and different types of charging connectors as per standards

Top Five Reasons to Choose an Electric Vehicle

  1. Electric vehicles save your money
  2. Electric vehicles cut your emissions
  3. Electric vehicles offer you a better driving experience
  4. Electric vehicles cut your oil use
  5. Electric vehicles are convenient

Electric Battery Technology:

The speed, mileage, torque, and all such vital parameters of an electric car solely depend on the specification of the motor and the battery pack used in the car. While using a powerful motor is no big deal, the problem lies with designing a Battery Pack that could source enough current for the motor for a long time without degrading its lifespan. To cope with the voltage and current demand EV manufacturers have to combine hundreds if not thousands of cells to form a Battery Pack for a single car.

Module 2:

  • Charging Infrastructure
  • Power Converters
  • Battery Management System
  • EV Charger Communication Protocol

Learning Objectives of Module 2:

  • Understand the charging infrastructure
  • Understand the underlying concept behind Power Electronics Converters
  • To understand Battery Management System
  • Learn about Vehicle charging infrastructureWhat is an Electric Vehicle Supply Unit (EVSE)?In simple terms, an EVSE is a wall-mounted box or stand-alone that – that supplies electric energy for the recharging of electric vehicle batteries.

Functions of Battery Management system:

  1. Discharge control
  2. Charging control
  3. SoC Determination
  4. SoH Determination
  5. Cell Balancing
  6. Logbook
  7. Communication

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner charging infrastructure technician
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