Next, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS project – Instagram clone
Next js (react js framework) Project. Next hands-on project. Build Instagram clone by Next.js, Firebase, Tailwindcss 3
What you’ll learn
Next, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS project – Instagram clone
Build an Instagram clone from scratch using NextJS, Firebase & Tailwind CSS.
Utilizing the best Nextjs practices available.
You will learn techniques for server-side rendering.
I am using the latest version of Tailwind CSS.
Find out how to use Firebase as a database and a place to store files.
Use both next-auth and Firebase auth to check the session token.
The Foundations of React
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
In a hands-on project (Instagram clone), build an Instagram clone from scratch using NextJS, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS.
I am thrilled to have you join me for the best course available for learning next js, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS by creating a real-world application.
This is a hands-on course that focuses on project-based learning and includes an Instagram clone project.
When it comes to the design and development of fully functional websites, I will be utilizing the best practices that Nextjs has to offer.
You will learn about the server-side rendering technique in this brand-new course. This lesson will go over the functionality of image uploading and state management with recoil. You will be able to create incredible responsive websites using the most recent version of Tailwind CSS (3.0).
This course will also teach you how to use Firebase as a database and storage solution. Next-auth will handle the authentication process.
Finally, you will learn how to deploy your applications using Vercel and a domain name that is uniquely yours.
My name is Sahand, and I have more than 16 years of programming experience.
I will be your instructor and answer any questions you may have in the Question and Answer section.
The following are the main components of this class’s final project:
- Tailwind CSS is used for styling.
- Authenticate the user with both next-auth and Firebase auth.
- Use the like, delete, and comment features.
Who this course is for:
- Those students who are interested in creating a portfolio project (Instagram Clone)
- Those developers want to learn next and build an application that can be used in the real world.
Next, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS project – Instagram clone
Nextjs, Firebase 9 & Tailwind CSS 3 project – Twitter clone
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