Advanced Android: Create a Real-REST API Client Application – Free Udemy Courses
Quick Course to learn how to build a beautiful Wallpaper Android App with Retrofit, GSON, Realm, ButterKnife, Glide
What you’ll learn
Advanced Android: Create a Real-REST API Client Application – Free Udemy Courses
- Create a real application to up to Google Play Store
- How to use ButterKnife for binding view
- How to use Glide 4 to load images from the server
- How to use Retrofit for sending requests and handling responses
- How to use GSON to convert JSON to Java Objects
- How to use Realm to save data in the Android application
You should understand basic Java programing language
You should have some experience with Android (this course isn’t for Android freshers)
Every developer wants to build a REAL THING, a REAL APPLICATION not just something for learning.
In this course, you will learn how to build a real and beautiful Wallpaper Application by using Unsplash API.
And of course, you will learn how to use a lot of popular Android libraries such as Retrofit, GSON, Realm, ButterKnife, and Glide 4.
- If you are an Android Developer but don’t know exactly how to build a REST API Client App.
- Are you an Android developer who wants to upgrade your Android skill?
- Or you want to build beautiful stuff.
This is THE COURSE for you.
With only a few hours of content, this course will CHANGE your Android skill.
Don’t wait and enroll today. I hope to see you in my course!
P/s: This course has an ENGLISH subtitle. So don’t worry!
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to upgrade their Android skills
- Anyone who wants to learn how to create an app using a RESTFul Web Service
- Anyone who wants to build a modern and beautiful Android application
- This course is for intermediate and advanced application developers