Advanced Scrum Master II Certification Preparation People who want to become a Scrum Master 2 should take unofficial practice tests. Get a good score! What...
Author - Kaleem
Blogging Masterclass – Learn How To Start Blogging Today! Learn how to blog, write good content, and make money as a blogger in this class. Learn...
Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads Course 2022: The Art of Selling In this lesson, you will learn how to use Facebook ads to sell things. Plan the campaign. Do...
Google Sheets 2022 – Learn Everything You Need To Know Welcome to my Google Sheets 2022 class. I hope you enjoy it. I’ll be your Google Sheets...
Build an NFT Marketplace – No Coding Required You can start your own NFT market without writing a single line of code. What you’ll learn Build an...
The top English grammar course, speak and write better learn the correct way to speak and write in English, improve how you speak, and be proud of yourself...
Configuring and Operating MS Azure Virtual Desktop (AZ-140) Learn how to plan, deliver, and keep track of high-performance Azure Virtual Desktop architectures...
An Introduction to Urban Planning and Design Planning and developing cities from a conceptual point of view What you’ll learn An Introduction to Urban...
ESP32 OTA Update(Over the Air) course The ESP32 can be updated over the air (OTA). This step-by-step course will show you how to do this. What you’ll...
GIS for Drone Pilots using QGIS (w/ Airspace Data Template) You can use QGIS to plan the flight, look at the data it collects, and write professional-looking...