Understanding Javascript from Very Basics to Core Course
Master JavaScript with the most complete course in the market ! scope, prototypes, promises, symbols and lot more…
What you’ll learn
Understanding Javascript from Very Basics to Core Course
- Go from a total beginner to an advanced JavaScript developer just in 6.5 Hrs.
Programming Fundamentals: variables, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.
Complex Topics: ‘this’ keyword, first class functions, prototypal inheritance, closures and more…
- Asynchronous JavaScript: callback queue, event loop, promises, async/await.
- Advanced Topics: hoisting, lexical & variable environments, scope, callback hell and more…
- New Introduced Topics: meta-programming with proxies, reflect and symbols.
- All the topics with simple example, that clearly show you how they work behind the scenes.
- Computer with modern browser and text editor installed.
- Very basic coding experience is necessary to take this course !
- A bit knowledge on how to run JS files in browser, is not mandatory but preferrable.
If your answer is a big YES… Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!
So what is the course about?
This is a truly complete JavaScript course, that goes beyond what other JavaScript courses out there teach you.
I will take you from a complete JavaScript beginner to an advanced developer.
Come with me on a journey with the goal of truly understanding the JavaScript language. And I explain everything on the way with great detail!
You will learn “why” something works in JavaScript, not just “how”. Because in the modern JavaScript world of today, you need more than just knowing how something works. You need to debug code, you need to understand code, you need to be able to think about code.
This course is different because it’s not just about writing code, it’s also about how and why code works the way it does. Because it’s the perfect mix between theory and practice. Because it focuses on small coding examples that lets you understand complex topics very easily.
So, by the end of the course, you will be a capable JavaScript developer, able to write, understand and debug JavaScript code using all the powerful features the language offers to us.
Understanding Javascript from Very Basics to Core Course
Here is exactly what we cover in this course:
• All the JavaScript and programming fundamentals: things like variables, data types, boolean logic, if/else statements, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and more.
• Everything you need to know in order to gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes: execution contexts, hoisting, scoping, the ‘this’ keyword, and more.
• Complex JavaScript features such as function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures, the bind and apply methods, and more.
• Learn how to organize and structure your code using modules and functions, how to create data privacy and encapsulation, and why that’s so important.
• What’s new in the most modern version of JavaScript: new features of ES6 / ES2015.
• Asynchronous JavaScript: the event loop, promises and async/await.
Let’s now find out if this course is for you. It’s a perfect fit if…
Student #1: You want to gain a deep understanding of the most popular programming language in the world: JavaScript.
Student #2: You have taken other JavaScript courses but: 1) still don’t really understand JavaScript, or 2) still don’t feel confident to code real-world apps. This course is perfect for you!
Student #3: You want to get started with programming in general: JavaScript is a great language to learn how to code.
Now it’s your turn to decide. This is what you get:
• Lifetime access to HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.
• English closed captions auto-generated by Udemy.
• Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck.
Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the “Take this course” button, and join me in the only JavaScript course that you will need!
Who this course is for:
- Beginners who are intrested in learning Javascript in depth with clear understanding of what exactly is what.
- Amateurs who want improve their understanding in Javascript to build much better code.
- Professionals who want to review their knowledge in Javascript.
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