SocketIO (with WebSockets) – the details. Updated April 2023
Socket io. Learn how to harness real-time communication on the web. W/Cluster Module, React, and a real-time game!
What you’ll learn
SocketIO (with WebSockets) – the details. Updated April 2023
Socketio. That’s (mostly) all we cover, so when you finish, you’ll know it!
Setup a socket application between the browser and an Express server and run real-time back and forth
Understand the basics of WebSockets and how they work
The basics of the transport layer and how a packet works
You have a solid working knowledge of JavaScript and nodejs (Not a ninja, but you are not new).
You have used the node ecosystem (npm, Express, etc.). This is NOT an intro to node class, I will NOT cover these in detail.
You have basic command line knowledge (at least capable of navigating and running a program)
You have a computer capable of running Nodejs.
Version 4 update is almost complete. I will leave the v2 sections up for sunset, so both are posted now. Please take note of the section title if you are starting to ensure you are taking the version you want.
Websockets are one of the most excellent APIs ever to hit the web. They allow the browser real-time communication, bridging one of the last human and web-based communication gaps. Socket io is the king library that uses web sockets under the hood. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about Socket. Maybe even done a tutorial on it. But how far did you get? In my experience, most of the material on the web goes no further than a quick-start, instant chat app. You don’t learn how anything works, never look at the docs, and are stuck at the end wondering what to do now. Is that all Socketio can do? The remaining shred of material is way over everyone’s head.
SocketIO (with WebSockets) – the details. Updated April 2023
This course is meant to alleviate that! It is not a quick start guide to socket IO. There are loads of those all over the Internet. You should look elsewhere if you want a 10-minute intro to the 3-4 things you need to know to make something quick. On the other hand, if you want to learn one of the most awesome JavaScript libraries in Socket io, you should stick around. Like Express and other JavaScript/Node pieces, it’s getting passed over in the wave to learn just enough to get to the term “full-stack developer.” My main goal is to help you figure out how to go from being an excellent developer to a great developer.
Understanding… not just knowing a few methods… of the socket is part of that! It even transcends the browser and node with implementations in most other languages, including mobile/React Native. As you grow, you have the power of sockets without learning more than the socket io library.
I first used Socketed in 2013 for a small company directory app. I’ve been following since and am frustrated that it hasn’t gotten more mainstream notice. It opens the way for many improvements to existing applications and obvious groundwork for new ones. Let’s change that 🙂 Prepare for a detailed look at Socket io and WebSockets and start going in real-time.
- Environment Setup (skip if you have node installed already)
- Before SocketIO… – TCP, network sockets, & a native WebSockets app
- Socket.IO-101 – Why you’d want to use a socket and how it works (simple chat app)
- Socket.IO-201 – Making the chat app into a Slack clone with namespaces and rooms
- Project 1 – real-time canvas game (agar. io-clone)
- Project 2 – Real-time performance data (uses React, Cluster, and the Cluster Module. Rotated Redis out until the new module is stable)
- Supplemental – HTTP (for those in need of a review)
I hope to add sections for streaming videos/ app and a React Native app.
Who this course is for:
- JS/Node developers who want to learn how to use Socketio for more than a chat app tutorial
- JS developers are interested in how node & JS combine to make networking happen
- Developers interested in building real-time applications
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